Never Fear The Uncomfortable Again

Where others cower, you can excel.

What do we lose by being uncomfortable? Why are we controlled by these situations? More importantly, how can we overcome them?

"A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have." ~Tim Ferriss. Whenever I feel the the anxiety of a situation surging, I think of this quote and remind myself that handling it calmly is a step towards greater success. Keeping a level head regardless of the scenario will have you shotgunning through life. Where others cower, you can excel.

The risk:

If you're unable to tolerate an uncomfortable situation you'll risk staying trapped in your comfort zone, missing growth enhancing opportunities, and creating a smaller world to live in. By molding your actions to what you think others want, you lose your sincerity and thereby destroy your contribution value. If 10 out of 10 people always agree, there isn't a need for 9 of them in the decision making process. Don't sacrifice true value for social ease.

Why it effects us:

You're thinking of the potential criticism. Much of the reason a situation can be uncomfortable is because you are worried what others are thinking and how they will react to your actions. By contributing our thoughts and feelings without bias we lose the ability to say I did it because of xyz, we put ourselves on the line. From an evolutionary standpoint the internalized need to fit in makes sense. If you didn't fit in with the tribe you were left to fend for yourself which dramatically reduced your chances of survival. Yet today it's different, the rebel is idolized and innovation is seen as the key to success.

How to work on it:

The key to becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable is to desensitize yourself. Each time you try a comfort challenge you'll see a diminishing rush of primitive emotions. Start by placing yourself in situations that would be considered "uncomfortable" but that you know are ultimately harmless. When the fear of others' thoughts no longer control your actions you will find true power in knowing you're in charge of your life. I can almost guarantee that not only will you start to enjoy these challenges as an adrenaline rush, you'll even find them to be funny.

1. Wear Dress Socks To The Gym:

Harmless but slightly uncomfortable the the first few times you do it.

2. Take a Cold Shower:

Jump into the shower with the the coldest possible temperature and keep it that way for at least two minutes. The benefits of doing this are tremendous, and you'll start feeling superhuman. Cold showers are great for your skin, hair, lungs, and brain. If you want to know more on the benefits of cold showers check out this post: The Mind-Blowing Benefits of Cold Showers.

3. The Spinning Checkout:

When you checkout from a register do a spin as you walk away.

4. Ask For a 10% Discount:

The next time you pay for coffee, ask the cashier for a 10% discount. Don't give a reason, just ask. Although this seems easy, I've found that most people experience a lot of anxiety when they actually attempt this challenge. Just remember, anxiety in this case is a good thing. It means that you are releasing some tension and expanding your comfort zone. The worst case scenario in doing this is that the cashier will say no.

5. Ask a Stranger for His or Her Opinion:

It's best to approach both sexes rather than whichever one you find easiest to talk to. Ask something as simple as: "Hey, you look like a stylish person, can I get your opinion on my current outfit?" or "I'm thinking of starting a new business, it's about xyz, what is your initial impression of the idea?".

6. Let Me Take a Selfie:

Ask someone if you can take a selfie with them.

7. Lay Down On The Floor:

Give this one a try if you're still looking for more. Go to a crowded area, and lay down on the floor for 10 seconds, ideally a clean floor. Don't say anything, and don't make a big deal out of it. Just lay down for 10 seconds, get back up, and continue on with your day!

To be a visionary you must break the group think. If you want to excel further than those who came before you in history you need to try new things. When you're not afraid of being a fool you will be more comfortable asking questions, thinking outside of the box and setting trends. Those who enjoy these challenges are those whom push past the edge of acceptable. When you no longer care what others think you will find freedom. Go out there and learn to love the uncomfortable.

Let me know how some of these challenges go. Just send an email to